Monday, August 23, 2010

Reading Assignment # 1

-Read the following passages:
1- Mk 8:34-38
2- Jn 8:31-32
3-Jn 15:5-8
4-Jn 13:34-35
5-Mt 28:18-20
-Bring your Bible
-What does it mean to become a disciple?

Group Activity Number 1 (Individual and Group Seatwork)

Assign one member to research on each of the following:
A-St. Maximilian Kolbe
B-Dr. Paul Takashi Nagai
C-Archbishop Oscar Romero
D-The Missionaries of Charity

Answer these questions (to be submitted on ; subject: YRSECTION LAST NAME ACT1) – 2-5 sentences/question.
1-Who is he/are they? What made him/them famous? What work did he/they do? When and where did he/they live?
2-What were the challenges and situations during their time? What was the PREVAILING RESPONSE of the people during that time?
3-How did he/they respond? How different was it from the decision of the majority? What can you say about their responses?
4-Are they consistent with Christian morality? How?

Regroup and share common distinctive characteristics.

Make a BLOG POST answering these questions (2-4 sentences)
1-What are common among them?
2-What reason is apparent why they chose and acted the way they did? Is there a common factor?
3-What can you say about the kind of persons they were before their distinct responses?
4-What insight can you derive from these persons, in terms of their lives and responses?

Send the link of your blog to

Commentary on the Beatitudes - Beatitudes